You would like to publish an article at mathematica didactica?
We are looking forward to your article submissions. Please note the following hints and conditions:
A prerequisite for submitting an article is that the work has not yet been published or submitted for publication elsewhere in parallel. Furthermore, all co-authors and, if applicable, also the institutions where the work originated must agree - implicitly or explicitly - to the publication.

mathematica didactica is a peer-reviewed journal, so all submissions are subject to a review process before publication.
The editors reserve the right to reject articles. Authors do not incur any costs for the review procedure and a possible publication of their work (online). The right of exploitation of the submitted, published articles is only valid for the publication in the journal mathematica didactica (online). Authors may freely dispose of further exploitations.

Please use only the Word template of mathematica didactica to create and format your contribution, which should not exceed 20 pages (ca. 95.000 characters). Before submitting your contribution you have to register as an author. Only then you will find the button for your submission in your personal user bar.