Timeline to the publication of a thematic focus

Proposals for thematic foci by guest editors may be submitted to the permanent editors by the end of June of the year (n-1) for a publication date in March of the year (n+2).

03/31/2022(n) Submission of abstracts by interested authors to guest editors.

04/30/2020(n) Invitation to prepare full manuscripts.

09/30/2020(n) Submission of manuscripts by invited authors

12/31/202(n) First feedback by reviewers

03/31/202(n+1) Submission of first revision by authors

06/30/202(n+1) Second feedback by reviewers

09/30/202(n+1) Submission of final version by authors

12/31/202(n+1) Release of galley proofs by authors

03/31/202(n+2) Publication of the issue