Boldness and Prudence. The Moderate Approach to Morality and Religious Tolerance: 1844-1847




Morality, Moderates, Tolerance, Liberalism, Luis de la Rosa, José María Lafragua, Act of Reforms.


The article explores the political language of the moderate group in Mexico between the fall of Antonio López de Santa Anna (1844) and the end of the war with the United States (1847) on religious elements such as Christian morality and cult tolerance. Based on an investigation in brochures, newspapers and official documents, it offers a panorama where audacity and prudence converge, in a mixture equidistant from doubt or indeterminacy. Thus, moderates such as Luis de la Rosa and José María Lafragua were the first to propose from governmental instances a certain tolerance of cults and a perspective of ethical plurality. The text proposes a reassessment of moderate thought as an option for change in the face of Juarista reformism.

Author Biography

  • Gustavo Santillán, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

    Nació en la ciudad de México. Es doctor en Historia por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Ha publicado diversas investigaciones en libros colectivos, así como artículos especializados en revistas de México, España y Costa Rica. Sus líneas de investigación son: siglo XIX mexicano, tolerancia religiosa, moralidad pública, secularización y oratoria cívica.




How to Cite

Boldness and Prudence. The Moderate Approach to Morality and Religious Tolerance: 1844-1847. (2025). Anuario De Historia De América Latina, 61, 296-326.