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Author Guidelines
- Manuscripts submitted to Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas / Anuario de Historia de América Latina must be original contribution.
- All texts are double blind peer-reviewed.
- Texts should have up to 70.000 characters (including blanks).
- Texts should include two abstracts of 150 to 300 words each. One should be in English, the other in Spanish or Portuguese.
- Texts have to be submitted with a short CV of the author (approx. 150 words).
- Texts have to be submitted with three to six keywords that do not form part of the title.
(for texts in English; for texts in German or Spanish, see style-sheet in German or Spanish)
- There is no bibliography at the end of the article.
- Use footnotes instead of endnotes.
- Do not use italics.
- Capitalization in the bibliographical references to English books and articles should be according to the Chicago Manual of Style. Do not capitalize articles and prepositions.
- Pages are indicated by hyphens, i.e.: “24-25”.
- Do not use abbreviations as f. or ff. Do not shorten page numbers. Write “24-25” instead of “24-5”.
- Do not include series titles.
One author
Forename Surname, Title. Subtitle, Place of Publication: Publisher, Year, p. Page(s).
María Elena Díaz, The Virgin, the King, and the Royal Slaves of El Cobre. Negotiating Freedom in Colonial Cuba, 1670-1780, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2000, p. 127.
Two or more authors
Forename Surname / Forename Surname, Title. Subtitle, Place of Publication: Publisher, Year.
Manuel Burga / Wilson Reátegui, Lanas y capital mercantil en el sur. La casa Ricketts, 1895-1935, Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 1981.
Edited books
Forename Surname / Forename Surname (eds.), Title. Subtitle, Place of Publication: Publisher, Year.
Scott Eastman / Natalia Sobrevilla Perea (eds.), The Rise of Constitutional Government in the Iberian Atlantic World. The Impact of the Cádiz Constitution of 1812, Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press, 2015.
Books with two or more editions
Forename Surname, Title. Subtitle, Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of the edition used (Year of the first edition).
Julio Cotler, Clases, Estado y nación en el Perú, Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 1992 (1978).
References to an already listed book
Surname, Keyword of the Title, p. Page(s).
Díaz, The Virgin, p. 23.
Forename Surname, “Title. Subtitle“: Name of the Journal, Volume: Number (Year of publication, Page(s).
Paulo Drinot, “Creole Anti-Communism. Labor, the Peruvian Communist Party, and APRA, 1930–1934”: Hispanic American Historical Review, 92: 4 (2012), pp. 703-736.
If reference is not to the complete article but only to one or more pages, give the page number(s) referred to.
Paulo Drinot, “Creole Anti-Communism. Labor, the Peruvian Communist Party, and APRA, 1930–1934”: Hispanic American Historical Review, 92: 4 (2012), pp. 715.
Book Chapter
Forename Surname, “Title of the Chapter. Subtitle“: Forename Surname of the Editor (ed.), Title of the Book, Place of Publication: Publisher, Year, Page(s).
Christina Ewig, “La economía política de las esterilizaciones forzadas en el Perú“: Alejandra Ballón (ed.), Memorias del caso peruano de esterilización forzada, Lima: Biblioteca Nacional del Perú, 2014, pp. 73-92.
If reference is not to the complete book chapter but only to one or more pages, give the page number(s) referred to.
Christina Ewig, “La economía política de las esterilizaciones forzadas en el Perú“: Alejandra Ballón (ed.), Memorias del caso peruano de esterilización forzada, Lima: Biblioteca Nacional del Perú, 2014, pp. 83-84.
Reference to an already listed article
Surname, “Keyword of the Title of the Article“, Page(s).
Ewig, “La economía“, p. 88.
Additional information (e.g. unpublished thesis or manuscript)
Any additional information is to be included in parenthesis at the end of the bibliographical informations and before the page reference.
Web references
If cited from an online source, include the complete URL and the date of consultation. If the text is also available in print, reference should be the print version.
Archival sources
First, the name of the document, e.g.: Letter of a person to another person at this date. Then, references to a special part of the document can be added, e.g. “sheet 3“, followed by the name of the archive and – if possible – the division and subdivision of the archive where the document can be found.
Reference to an already listed unpublished document
Choose an abbreviation of the title of the document that refers to the corresponding footnote in an unequivocal way.