Predictors of Positive Mood and Negative Mood among Children with Learning Disabilities and Their Peers
Positive and negative mood have often been considered indicators of wellbeing, affecting behavior and adjustment. This study evaluated the personal and familial predictors of positive and negative mood among 1,024 Israeli students (children with learning disabilities [LD]: 302 boys, 198 girls;; children without LD: 308 boys, 216 girls). They were students in Grades 4-6 (ages 9-12). The authors aimed to identify the direct and indirect contributions of personal and familial factors to positive and negative mood. The participants’ socio- emotional characteristics were assessed with questionnaires measuring mood, hope, effort, family climate, loneliness and the use of the Internet for communication with friends and virtual friends. Structural equation modeling (SEM) results confirmed the conceptual model and showed that the indirect effect of LD on positive and negative mood was mediated by effort, hope, family climate and loneliness. Gender predicted positive mood, loneliness and family cohesion. The differential contribution of types of e-communication extended the understanding of the model, and underscores the role that the children’s perceptions and behavior play in their emotional outcomes.
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