The Effects of Peer Racetracks on the Reading Performance of German L2 Students With and Without Behavioral Difficulties
German second language, literacy word recognition, behavioral difficultiesAbstract
Reading difficulties in German students are steadily increasing, while reading motivation is decreasing, yet reading is one of the most important aspects of literacy. Complicating mat- ters, reading instruction is challenged by an enormous heterogeneity among the student body, which includes students learning German as a second language and students with behavioral problems. Thus, many teachers are faced with trying to narrow the large gap between strong and weak readers by providing reading support, which often has to start with basic skills, and at the same time meeting the individual students’needs.The present single-case study assessed the effects of a simple peer-tutored motivational reading racetrack intervention on word fluen- cy within a short period of time for students with and without behavioral problems (N = 9) for whom German is an L2. The results are promising with high overlap indices and the followup data showing stable improvements. Limitations and implications are discussed.
Copyright (c) 2023 Anne Barwasser , Susanne Hisgen, Matthias Grünke

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