Error Patterns in the Knowledge-Based Inference-Making of Less Skilled Middle-Grade Readers: An Exploratory Study
Knowledge-based inference, reading comprehension, adolescent less skilled readers, cognitive loadAbstract
The primary aims of this mixed-method study were to (a) examine the effectiveness of a brief inference intervention, (b) compare the types of knowledge-based inferencing errors less skilled middle grade readers make, and (c) evaluate if self-reported cognitive load relates to inferenc- ing. Participants (N = 17) were randomly assigned to a graphic organizer-inference intervention (GO-Inference) (n = 9) or business-as-usual (BAU) condition (n = 8), and differences between groups were explored for each study purpose. Quantitative and qualitative results suggest that while less skilled readers in the GO-Inference condition made modest progress in forming knowledge-based inferences, they continued to struggle to distinguish relevant from irrelevant information from text and/or retrieve the knowledge necessary to form inferences. Students in the BAU condition were more likely to make errors such as providing irrelevant information or failing to respond. Additionally, students in the GO-Inference condition reported lower cogni- tive load during inference-making tasks.
Copyright (c) 2023 Amy E. Barth , Cathy Newman Thomas, Heather Kincaid , Ethan Ankrum , Brandon Ruiz , Leslie Salazar

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