CBM Language Measures as Indicators of Foreign-Language Learning: Technical Adequacy of Scores for Secondary-School Students
Foreign-language learning, curriculum-based measurement, progress monitoring, technical adequacy, secondary schoolAbstract
Students with and without learning disabilities often struggle to learn a foreign language (FL). Teachers could benefit from a measure designed to screen and identify students at risk for FL learning difficulties. In this study, we examined the reliability and validity of scores from four curriculum-based measures (CBM) as potential indicators of English FL learning: reading aloud, maze selection, and English-to-Dutch and Dutch-to-English word translation. Participants were 133 Dutch students in Grade 8. Criterion variables were English course grades and scores on a standardized achievement test (Cito-VAS). Alternate-form reliability ranged from r = .77 to .87. Correlations between CBM and criterion measure scores ranged from r = -.04 to .65. Scores from maze selection and reading aloud alone predicted English-language proficiency better than a combination of scores from the four measures, explaining 29.7% and 23.6% of the variance, respectively. Implications for the use of CBM for FL screening and progress-monitoring are discussed.
Copyright (c) 2023 Laura Hoefnagel , Christine A. Espin , Ralph Rippe

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