Perceptions of the situation of families with children with learning disabilities and ADHD
The goal of this study was to determine if there were any differences in dynamic family variables, home climate, parents’ attitudes towards their children and parental involvement in education, in relation to the students’ typological characteristics. The sample consisted of 87 families of pupils (fourth year primary-first year secondary). The families were divided into three groups according to the children’s typology: with learning disabilities (LD), with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or normal achievement (NA). In all cases, both students and parents filled out the “Opiniones familiares: FAOP” (Robledo & García, 2007). The results indicated higher levels of conflict, greater parental involvement in education and more parental rejection towards children with ADHD. Parents of pupils with LD received lower scores than parents of NA children in terms of perception of efficacy in writing instruction and in overall cooperation in teaching writing skills. Lastly, families of NA children showed more favorable patterns regarding their overall development, by offering a greater variety of cultural, intellectual and leisure activities compared with the other two groups of families.
Copyright (c) 2023 Patricia Robledo-Ramón , Jesús N. Gracía-Sánchez

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