About the Journal

The journal Philosophy of AI is the official double-blind journal of the Society for the Philosophy of AI (https://philai.net) - founded in December 2023 at Erlangen. It is run in the spirit of the Open Access movement, promoting a system in which all the dissemination of scholarly work is organized for free. We welcome submissions on philosophical topics related to AI (from ethics to theoretical philosophy) with an analytic orientation, broadly construed.

Why did we create this journal?

Increasing interest in philosophical questions concerning AI 

The topic of AI is booming in academia and industry, and it is heavily discussed in the media. There is significant demand to discuss the societal implications (ethics of AI) as well as the nature of AI (theoretical philosophy of AI). Much of that discussion is taking place within philosophy. The institutional impact of AI in philosophy is also immense. Many new professorships have recently been created under the heading of the philosophy of AI at leading research institutions.

A need for a journal for the philosophy of AI

Despite the public and scholarly interest in the topic of the philosophy of AI, there is currently no journal that focuses exclusively on philosophical questions concerning AI in the analytic tradition. The scope of journals like Minds and Machines, Philosophy & Technology, AI & Society, or AI and Ethics either goes beyond AI or the scope of philosophy. None of these journals publish exclusively work that fits the short and clear name “Philosophy of AI”.

A need for an open-access journal for the philosophy of AI

Currently, no AI journal in the analytic tradition is open-access. Our journal is therefore a response to the need for a high-quality open-access journal dedicated to the philosophy of AI. In the spirit of open-access publishing, we publish our articles free of charge with Gold Open access (under the CC-BY license). There will be no charges to authors or guest editors of special issues. Funding for the journal is (indirectly) provided by the German Research Council and the Alexander v. Humboldt Foundation. 

Transparency and speed

The field of AI is moving very quickly. Therefore, this journal aims to embrace the need for a quick turnaround even in philosophy. We try to reach a decision as fast as possible while remaining as rigorous as possible. We will refrain from unjustified desk rejections and will publish data on the number of accepted and rejected papers on our website. We will try to respond to emails in due time and accepted papers will be published on the website as soon as they are accepted and processed.