
Dear users,

AAeO is migrating to a new server. As a consequence from mid-2023 on all publications will be hosted by USB - Universität zu Köln (Central Library of the University of Cologne). Previous publications can be vistited until the end of the migration process (December 31, 2023) under Hochschulbibliothekszentrum (HBZ) NRW. From then on all publications will be accessible on the new server.

  • Note for migration of AAeO


    Dear users,

    AAeO is migrating to a new server. As a consequence from mid-2023 on all publications will be hosted by USB - Universität zu Köln (Central Library of the University of Cologne). Previous publications can be vistited until the end of the migration process (2024) under Hochschulbibliothekszentrum (HBZ) NRW. From then on all publications will be accessible on the new server.

    Read more about Note for migration of AAeO